Paisley Park Consulting Ltd
Provider of strategic and comprehensive advice regarding the administration of music rights.
Deep expertise in multi-territorial digital services, together with all forms of offline and domestic exploitation.
Able to help clients successfully deliver key initiatives and solve critical problems.

Get commercially valuable advice & insights for a complex and vital industry.
If you are a music publisher, collective management organisation, representative or user of music rights, our principal consultant Neil can help. For example, if you are:
Wishing to understand and navigate the complexities of music rights flows, the associated royalty
flows, their administrative frameworks and the charges and deductions
Requiring commercial, strategic, and operational insights when planning and operating music administration and licensing services for rights owners, or when acquiring such services from providers
Seeking support for your commercial negotiations, service provider assessments, or legal action for any and all matters relating to the administration of music rights and royalty
Needing to understand the activities, outputs, motivations, and practices of Collective Management Organisations (CMOs), Music Publishers, Digital Music Services and/or Record Labels
Looking for introductions and advice that can promote your services to influential contacts at all forms of relevant companies and associations
Or any other form of support, advice, analysis, or understanding of matters relating to the world of music rights, their administration, and the industry that exists to manage these
Through our associations with other industry experts we can assist with practical services relating to: Music Publishing; Master Rights; Neighbouring Rights, Sync Licensing and Music Supervision
Who is our Consultant - Neil Jones

30 years experience as a Music Industry Executive
Extensive and positive network of key decision makers
Leader in advancing industry improvements
Excels in both Strategic & Operations subjects
Detailed commercial understanding of complex terms
Highly numerate and financially astute
Track record in delivering projects and initiatives
Ability to create and assess service level agreements

Please get in touch
Emails received will be responded to within 2 working days
+44 7795 828187
43 Lower Hill Road
Epsom, Surrey
KT19 8LS